Academic Enhancements

BrainPOP Educational Movies and Homework Help (3rd and up)
BrainPOP is used in numerous ways, from introducing a new lesson or topic to illustrating complex subject matter to reviewing before a test.
BrainPOP is used in numerous ways, from introducing a new lesson or topic to illustrating complex subject matter to reviewing before a test.

Designed specifically for early learners, BrainPOP Jr. is easy to navigate and all the content is read aloud so young students can browse the site on their own.

The Internet's #1 education site for K-8th Kids and Teachers. (Games & Activities)

Digital Natives are engaged by the Internet and multimedia technology. It is in the best interest of today's students that Digital Immigrant (and Digital Alien!) educators learn to teach with these tools. Gamequarium is a valuable tool for teachers who already get it and for those who are still trying to get over it.

The Internet Public Library is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment.

On this page, you will find resources to help students master the basics of mathematics of numbers and number operations. Videos and tutorials explain basic operations and help with the mastery of math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division--essential building blocks for success in mathematics.

K-12 Interactive Learning Center with educational quiz games and tests resources.

We are an online spelling program that makes practicing for spelling tests fun. has: Over 37,000 spelling words and eight spelling games!, A REAL person who says each word and sentence, Thousands of free spelling lists. Or save your own!, A free forum and newsletter with more resources!

Parents use Starfall to prepare their children for school, and to support them once they are there. Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children.

Weekly Reader classroom and educational supplements.

At, our mission is to ignite a love of lifelong learning in every child by harnessing Internet multimedia and social communcations to product an envitonment for engaging, interactive, and dynamic learning.